“Friends for Metro Motors” is a nonprofit organization (501c3) Tax ID 45-4974059, that was established to assist the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) Traffic Bureau with the mission of improving the Las Vegas Community’s traffic and public safety through education, enforcement and innovation. Our organization has assisted by providing funding for the additional training, equipment, and education of the LVMPD Traffic Bureau officers that are not funded through the normal department budget. Additionally, we focus on development and implementation of educational programs and materials designed to teach and promote awareness of driver safety.
“Friends for Metro Motors” in collaboration with the LVMPD Traffic Bureau organizes and participates in community and traffic safety events that are aimed to raise awareness of all roadway users of traffic laws and safe practices when using the road. We created informational pamphlets on traffic laws and traffic safety that we continue to produce and distribute at events. We have hosted motorcycle safety and DUI seminars. Our organization purchases books on Traffic safety for local school libraries, and volunteers participate in reading to children about Traffic safety. We participate in cross walk safety and bicycle safety fairs for children while providing them with bicycle helmets. Officers volunteer to speak with teen drivers about safe driving and not driving under the influence. We also fund additional training for officers to improve their knowledge in accident investigation and officer skills and safety so they may better serve the community.