The Southwest Police Motorcycle Training and Competition
SPMTC Las Vegas, NV 2011
The Southwest Police Motorcycle Training Competition is an annual event that is hosted by Motorcycle Officers of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Pima County Sheriff's Department, and Phoenix Police Department. Every year, one agency will take its turn to host the event where 100% of their proceeds are donated to support their local Special Olympics.
SPMTC Tucson, AZ 2013
Aside from the worthy cause, these types of events are great opportunities for Motorcycle Officers to share training ideas to improve their officer's skills and safety when riding motorcycles both on and off duty. The competition allows the officers to share their skills with the public in attendance and gives a unique challenge to every officer.
SPMTC Phoenix, AZ 2012
The first SPMTC event was held in 1997 in Tucson, AZ. Those officers had attended a similar event and took on the challenge to host their own. Every year hundreds of these types of events take place across the country sometimes being called a Police Motorcycle Rodeo. SPMTC focuses on the training aspect and its benefits to the officers and the community. SPMTC has grown to become one of the largest events in the Southwest in anticipation, attendance, and community support.
27th Annual Southwest Police Motorcycle Training and Competition