Banquet and Silent Auction
The BanquetThe banquet is open to competitors, their familes, event volunteers and invited special guests. A silent auction will be held at the begining of the banquet, and the Competition awards will be presernted. For those needing to purchase their banquet tickets, please click on the Special Oylmpics logo to pay for the tickets on thier website.
Saturday April 6th
1800 - 1900 Cocktails and Silent Auction opens, Grand Ballroom 1900 - 1915 Welcome speech 1915 - 2000 Dinner Service 2000 Silent Auction Closes 2000 - 2100 Guest Speakers 2100 - 2200 Awards Presentation 2200 - 2230 Announce Silent Auction and Closing The Silent AuctionList of Silent Auction Items